#Agile – why do we want to scale it?

#Agile – why do we want to scale it?

May. 30, 2015 by

#Agile – why do we do it? #Agile is spreading – raising questions of what agile really is and why we want to do it. At the individual and team level agile offers new understanding for how to organize knowledge



May. 17, 2015 by

It’s not impossible to improve, claims an article in Berlingske Business posted April 27th: http://www.business.dk/ledelse/250-milliarder-i-gevinst-ved-bedre-ledelse Good companies excel in five areas: Involving employees in laying out daily tasks Ability to innovate and deliver new products Ability to change Social responsibility

People don’t care until …

May. 17, 2015 by

(Copied from LinkedIn)

Winning versus #MakingWinnable

May. 17, 2015 by

Just thinking that agile teams have a broader range of projects that they can win – a broader range of winnable projects. And most likely agile teams also win more of these projects – meaning complete them with success. Non-agile

Yves Morieux on #Prison3DotZero

May. 17, 2015 by

Berlingske Business today brings an interview with Yves Moreiux from Boston Consulting Group: http://www.business.dk/ledelse/topchefernes-darling. There is also an earlier book review of ‘Six Simple Rules’ Google told: http://www.business.dk/ledelse/vaek-med-det-komplekse What struck me is the part where YM describes interviews with employees


May. 15, 2015 by

(Published on LinkedIn by Jimmie Welch III, beginning of May 2015)


May. 9, 2015 by

(Screenshot from LinkedIn)


May. 8, 2015 by

(Screenshot from LinkedIn)


May. 8, 2015 by

For a while, I have been having fun asking people: ‘how many of you have a boss that actually knows what you are doing?’ Obviously that’s not the way to go. In a recent meetup in #AgileCopenhagen the above quote