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A blog by Morten Elvang

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Fear Based Agile Transformations

May. 6, 2023 by

At the XP2023 conference, we have a workshop on Fear-Based Agile Transformations. This post is about the process leading up to the workshop on June 13th in Amsterdam. We believe that we can create a better world if we are

#untangle – with Cynefin

#untangle – with Cynefin

Sep. 6, 2022 by

Cynefin: Place of multiple belongings; We have these multiple threads which we will only partially comprehend and understand; You are in a flow over time (all cherrypicked from Dave Snowden). My evolving collection of references to Cynefin and similar (This

On the essence of Agile Leadership

Mar. 13, 2020 by

The essence of agile leadership – in my view – is to ensure that each and every person has the maximum freedom to perform (the circles) as well as the maximum opportunity to contribute (the connection to objectives). Systemically in

Thoughts on (#Agile) Portfolio Management

Apr. 17, 2019 by

Portfolio management optimizes the value delivered and minimizes the risk of accommodating  activities that cannot successfully deliver Running an effective portfolio enables strong alignment of execution to strategy. Yet this is an area where many experience poorer than necessary results

Snowden on Innovation

Jan. 22, 2018 by

Necessary but not sufficient conditions for innovation: Starvation Pressure Perspective shift   Dave Snowden, using Appollo 13 as an example, see YouTube: https://youtu.be/IlmesbbPqtU Snowden argues that the held belief that creativity leads to innovation is confusing causality and correlation

IBM CIO Jeff Smith – Build A Next-Gen Agile Culture

IBM CIO Jeff Smith – Build A Next-Gen Agile Culture

Jan. 11, 2018 by

From just listening this is quite amazing – many good insights to build on – very strong focus on accountability – clear principles and beliefs – thumbs up – see https://youtu.be/3zduSKajK64 Principles Clarity over certainty Course correction over perfection Self-directed teams

On Roosevelt

On Roosevelt

Nov. 16, 2017 by

“Complaining about a problem without proposing a solution is called whining” Teddy Roosevelt   The Roosevelt quote is a classic example of simple, linear thinking that doesn’t fly far in a complex world full of systemic issues – on the

Agile – not difficult – not safe

Agile – not difficult – not safe

Nov. 16, 2017 by

If you don’t know if you are overloaded or not – then most probably you are – not just a little – a lot! If you are overloaded, little will help, before you deal with the overload. This is probably

Temperature of agile in Denmark 2017

Sep. 4, 2017 by

In connection with the Danish Agile@Scale Day 2017 organized by Accenture and #AgilityLab, #AgilityLab invited for a spot check of the temperature of agile in Denmark 2017. A total of 142 people responded to 3 simple questions: (Belief) Do you believe in



Jul. 7, 2017 by

Your hear warnings about Conway’s law. Agile at scale is all about making Conway’s law your friend – building structure to drive behavior. Essentially applying Conway’s law in inverse.